We are delighted to announce our partnership with WeForest.org a charity dedicated to making earth cooler. For every pair of eco SPATS sold through our forthcoming crowdfunding campaign, we will be regenerating 5 square metres of rainforest in Brazil and helping them to restore biodiversity to areas where deforestation has had devastating effects on the landscape.

The WeForest Mata Atlantica project employs local people (mainly women) in community nurseries where 115 native tree species are grown and nurtured until they are ready to be planted out. By planting and nurturing “wildlife corridors” of forest alongside agricultural land - across an area six times the size of the UK which has lost 93% of its natural rainforest cover over the last 20 years - WeForest is helping to restore biodiversity and create natural carbon sinks which cool the planet. The corridors now support many species including ocelets, anteaters and the endangered black lion tamarin monkey.
So far, the project has restored over 2 million trees across over 1,000 hectares. By supporting our campaign, you are helping to regenerate more forest… More about the project…

All photos ©WeForest taken for the Mata Atlantica project, Brazil.