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Write By: spatsboots - 06 Oct / 2021 Created Date: 2021-10-06

Goodbye Slovakia…

Sadly, Covid put the kibosh on our autumn ’21 relaunch: Our Slovakian factory reopened in the summer but with reduced capacity due to lack of staff and one less production line, which means their big brands have block-booked production slots for months ahead and everyone else has been squeezed out until 2023. After 18 months of sampling with them and investment into products, website and digital assets, we are naturally GUTTED. But you can’t put a good boot down… so we’re moving …

Hello Sri Lanka…

We’ve spent the past few months searching for other sustainable rubber boot factories in Europe. They proved hard to findSo we've gone back to our Sri Lanka factory (who have been closed to new business since March 2020 until recently). They are an FSC-certified factory who we know can make our boots with Fair Rubber to a high standard. As SL has recently come out of lockdown, it will be spring 2022 before they can schedule us in. Being sustainable and small is not an advantage in terms of production economics. The other silver lining is that by 2022, shipping costs will not be so high and it will be easier to ship to the EU.

Earlybird discount will remain secure until we can relaunch. Click HERE to get on the waitlist.


